Industry Overview
In the present situation of automotive industry automotive parts manufacturers and assemblers have to bring in something new for their business products which are beyond the conventional business models that we have been produced so far. Now, we require focusing more on non-core businesses as well as more cost-effective ways to market along with non-conventional segments and countries. Here comes the utility of our company – Neo Research Consulting Inc that provides consulting and research solutions for this particular need.
Our involvement in automotive industry by providing services for supply chain management, sales and marketing has benefitted number of automobile companies. We are well experienced in the matter of helping our clients for promoting the business of commercial and passenger vehicles, car audio systems, two-wheelers, lubricant oil, aftermarket parts petrol and diesel retail, fleet fuel card solutions as well as substitute fuels for cars.
NEO has business connection with more than fifty Global Fortune 1000 firms besides large local companies, other reputed organizations and various government agencies. Our customers rely on us for their innovative research challenges, depending on our know-how to offer personalized research and consulting in the matter of business development, sales, marketing and profit making.
We feel very much satisfied and proud by providing practical value and knowledge to our customers. Some of the well-known companies in the automotive industry such as Honda, Audi, Castrol, Fujitsu Ten, Toyota Motor Corporation, Yamaha Motor and Ford are our valued customers. This means we do not promote any branded products but do our own necessary research which could be beneficial for our clients. Since the year 2009 when our company was established, we are providing our services to our various customers with great dedication and devotion.
Building and Construction- The building and construction industry encounters challenges at regional, national and international levels from declining project backlogs, increasing complex project and restricted new commitments owing prevalent economic uncertainty. For this reason, the industry is facing enhanced competition from new and existing, diversifying competitors. Our global team at Neo thinks that it is vital for building and construction firms to give their attention to the following key issues:
Supply chain efficiency and cost optimization are simply two instances of how companies are capable of protecting the margins through cost management and thereby issuing tender submissions when maintaining the profitability as well.
The companies have to assess effectively their shortcomings and competitive advantage while it matters to getting new contract. With more focus on procedures, processes and risk management, companies are finding an enhancement in the number of studies required to move forward, especially for projects funded by public.
Even in the period of crisis, it is significant that companies maintain strategic growth development in mind. With rising completion in domestic markets, some companies are opting for overseas expansion, either organically or through M&A.; Expansion may also come in the way of creating an integrated offering and adding new service so as to better serve new customers.
Our building and construction team at Neo is completely dedicated to serve our customers and taking care about their constantly evolving and complex needs. Our international network mobilizes teams to serve you in any part of the world, offering you with scope to access international and local experience and easy solutions which our stakeholders and customers value.